Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ha Ha!!

Ahha, they compiled it for me...
<div style='padding-bottom: 2px; line-height: 0px'><a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' width='553' height ='4504'/></a></div><div style='float: left; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;'><p style='font-size: 10px; color: #76838b;'>Source: <a style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10px; color: #76838b;' href=''></a> via <a style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10px; color: #76838b;' href='' target='_blank'>Jo Anne</a> on <a style='text-decoration: underline; color: #76838b;' href='' target='_blank'>Pinterest</a></p></div>

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

'Cuz I'm Crepe-y Like That

Crepe Day!! I love cooking on my days off, and honestly, crepes are my favorite thing to make. They're so simple! I like to invent new combinations to put in for dinner crepes.
These are made of broccoli, white sauce, alfredo, peas, chicken, and cream cheese. It was delicious! However it sadly lacked mushrooms and hollandaise sauce. Does anyone even know a simple recipe for hollandaise, or am i just gonna have to go all gourmet on everyone? Then, of course i had to eat some dessert style. Did you know ice cream is fantastic in crepes? Add some warm syrup and a little bit of fruit and you've got a serious dessert! For a simpler taste i just use fruit pieces and drizzle honey on top. Its super sweet, but not overwhelmingly so.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fabric Softener and other things.

While trying to maintain the ultimate, non-exertion perfection of cleanliness in my apartment, i've found some really great home remedies that clean, but also make my life easier. Like fabric softener squares! I LOVE these things. They have so many uses it makes it worth the price (even though they dont soften my clothes very well.) Have a pan where you burnt something to the bottom pretty bad? Like rice (seriously, thats the worst!)? Well, you fill the pan with water and stick a square of fabric softener in there to soak over night and the next morning the burned stuff comes off completely. With little to no scrubbing. Seriously. I tried it. AND it cleans out the gunk at the bottom of your stove if you just add a little water to the square and scrub! Same with soap scum on the shower wall. Lol, Its saved me quite a few times for cleaning checks. As if its cleansing powers weren't good enough, its also a great mosquito repellent. Just rub it on your skin and clothes then tuck it in your belt or pocket or something, and you won't get bitten.
I also really love baking soda. If you do perchance forget bug repellent, then baking soda mixed with water totally soothes the itching (this I got from Mom, when i had chigger bites.) Just make a thick paste, dab on the bite and it pulls out the venom, reduces the size of the bump, and soothes the itching. Also, mix it with vinegar and you have a great drain cleaner. Last semester, my roommates kept clogging the drains and were too wimpy to pull their own hair out, so i learned some easy plumping tricks. Sort of. I'm not taking apart pipes or anything. But if you can use a hanger to fish out the biggest chunk blocking the water then pour in baking soda followed by a shot of vinegar, it'll pump out the dirt and hair with the super foaming job. It saves you from wasting your money on Draino which can eat your pipes. Not to mention that even as an adult i still think the volcano effect is really entertaining.
Speaking of vinegar, if you pour a little in your dishwasher, with your load, your dishes come out more sparkly. And it works as a fabric softener, with your clothes as well as taking out some of your stains without bleaching. And it cleans the drum of your washing machine, so it doesn't mold. Lol I never really knew how useful some of our household products were until i started using and misusing them.

Midnight Snacktime!

   So, since i generally don't get off of work at the bustling Brick Oven until about midnight every night, I find that I'm usually pretty dang hungry. However, as of the fact that it IS the middle of the night, heavy food is never a good option, as well as high sugar or high fat foods. (see? i'm healthy for a college student...) I learned I really love to munch on fruit. I've been trying all these different ways to eat fruit that take minimal effort, but fill me pretty well. Right now my favorite is handmade grapefruit juice. I don't know about you, but i really despise sitting there with a spoon trying to scoop out a grapefruit; its too messy. So what I've started doing is cutting out the flesh in big chunks, dumping it in a cup, squishing it into juice (feel free to dump it in a blender; its quicker and more effective) then adding sugar to taste. I usually only need about two scoops. Did you know just the smell of grapefruit can boost your metabolism and stave off hunger? I really like keeping grapefruit scented oils in the apartment.
    Another snack i love is green apples and nutella. I keep the apples in the fridge (it keeps them crisper), slice them into chunks when i'm hungry and dip it in the nutella. Its healthy, delicious, and very filling. Sliced up strawberries or mangos are also a great late night snack. In all honesty, though, some people should stay away from mangos. They have a high fiber content and make some people really gaseous (like my roommate, whom i love, but not that much.). Happy eating!!!

Chicken Nuggets On the Stovetop

After learning that I have a strange love for chicken nuggets in chocolate ice cream, I decided it was time to try to make them at home, so I would quit wasting my time and money at McDonalds. Somehow, I felt that baked chicken nuggets weren't really good enough for me, so I tried my hand at frying them.....let me tell ya, chicken nuggets get REALLY greasy fast when fried in a little bit of butter and milk. I could barely make it through eating two! lol I'm pretty sure i chugged more water to wash it down than I did the time I tried eating Bean and Cheese Jalapeno Chimichangas, purely to wipe the taste out of my mouth. Somewhere amid the grossness, I thought about the fact that I do all these fun and/or funny things while keeping house and maybe someone else would get a kick out of them? Thus the idea for this blog. So thus begins the record of my many adventures.... also, some of these things you should DEFINITELY try at home; others, not so much. Try to take my advice with a grain of salt. I really am just a kid. :)